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CAMPAIGN 2 | Cloudfall Episodes
1 - This is Farewell
All that lies before you is the endless Clouds, and the infinite curiosity of the floating islands within. Are you ready to find what's really out there?
2 - Breaking Blight
Doran, Eryn, Journey, Poppy, and Guy tracked their target to his office at the Blight headquarters. Any formal plans they had have been thoroughly unraveled. It's time to fight or fly. Roll Initiative!
3 - Falling, Apart
After the encounter with Diver hits the fan, Doran and Guy hit the ground, and catch the attention of the Marshall.
4 - A La Cart
The party gets called to the principals office, then goes thrifting for magic items to prepare for the flight ahead.
5 - Pinned Down
We're trapped in Poppy's mobile bakery, pinned down by the Blight - it's time to fight or fly. Or both.
6 - Stop Trying to Make "Gambeson" Happen
We've hit cruising altitude, and there's something seriously not fetch going on with Rolan. Time for a little friendly confrontation.
7 - Sweet Life on Deck
The Heavenly Feather has arrived on Lor, and we get to learn a whole lot... About each other?
8 - Cats and Burglars
We shake off the fog from the driftweed and do a little introspection, and a little cat-herding. Then Journey makes an unsettling acquaintance.